EJ’s Solutions is a professional cleaning company based in Titusville, Florida. We dedicate ourselves to offering the highest quality cleaning services to fit your needs and wants.
100% Faster, Cheaper, Better

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"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

House Keeping

We’ll go around the entire house cleaning and tidying up any mess. It’s ideal for those who need an extra pair of hands to help keep their spaces spotless.

Full-Service House Cleaning

A non-invasive way to have your entire house cleaned professionally. Perfect if you need to bring back the shine your home once had without harsh chemicals.

Full-Service Deep Cleaning

A restoration-style cleaning that makes your entire home look brand new. We will get through the toughest messes and make your home look spotless.

Move In/Move Out Cleaning

We will make sure your spaces are spotless for whoever comes after you or for you to move into. We guarantee the entire house/apartment will be clean and sanitary.

Commercial Office Cleaning

We clean your commercial offices during off-hours or overnight, ensuring zero interruptions to your work. We promise your office space will look brand new.

Large Scale Commercial Cleaning (Coming soon!)

This service will allow you to have your entire restaurant, mall, apartment complex, and more cleaned by our expert team. Check our social media/website for updates.

Our Values, Our Promise

EJ’s Solutions values America, God, and Family above all. We provide free charity work for disabled individuals, churches, schools, and those in need.

We promise to our customers a respectful and caring service no matter your situation.
